Friday, October 28, 2011

Facts About Cats

  • Cats are nice and sometimes mean and fluffy too.
  • Cats when they are born they drink milk and as they get older they drink water.
  • Some cats can be striped like a tigers.
  • Cats are different colors
  • Cats don't like dogs at all.
  • Some cats lick some bite and sometimes they climb and some wait for someone to pick them up.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Spiny-bodied Animals

Sea star
Sand dallar
Brittle star
Sea cumbers
Sea urchin
  1. Spiny-bodied animal have many tube.
  2. Spiny-bodied animals use there feet to help them move,feel,and capture food.
  3. There body of animal that contains a skeleton of plates.
  4. There bodies are only found in the ocean.
  5. People sometime collect them.

Monday, October 17, 2011


A insect
  1. A arthropod have section.
  2. Arthropod are the largest group.
  3. They have  many pairs of jointed legs,a head, and many segment.
  4. They live on land.
  5. They often go under stone or logs.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Segmented worms

This is a clamworm
This is a earthworm
This is a clamworm
this is a leech
  1. Leeches can drink your blood.
  2. People use leeches to fish.
  3. Some leeches can be in water.
  4.  Some segment worms live on land.
  5. Segment worms are divided into rings. 
These are leeches

Monday, October 10, 2011


  1. Clams have soft shell.
  2. When snails grow there shell grows with them.
  3. Slugs are different then snails.
  4. They can mate when there about one years old.
  5. Snails are related to slugs.

Monday, October 3, 2011


  1. Roundworms can get in your body.
  2. Roundworms can get in a animals body.
  3. Roundworms are more complex then flatworm.
  4. Many roundworms are parasite.
  5. Roundworms have two opening.